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For municipal facts, you can contact Arjeplog Municipality’s communications officer, Martin Stråmo:
For business or tourism industry facts, you can contact the business development company Argentis:
It should be used on a white background and solely for the purpose of promoting the Arjeplog brand
Arjeplog Municipality is a member of Filmpool Nord.
Local expertise: We have many people locally with experience from the film industry, including actors, extras, prop assistants, musicians, project managers, runners, rainmakers, carpenters, and more. We, the locals, are known for being helpful and have earned the nickname “no problem people.”
Accommodation/hotel capacity for crew: 5 hotels and 90 cabins in central Arjeplog, as well as many cabin villages around the municipality. There is available capacity, especially during the non-winter season. During winter, it is advisable to get in touch well in advance.
Local craftsmen: Many local craftsmen are available to assist when needed and are often more affordable than in larger cities.
A wide range of leisure activities besides filming.
Facilities for storing materials.
Superlocations: Mountain environments, 9,000 lakes, 3,700 km of flowing water, and vast forests. There are many places with little development where filming can take place without traffic or flight disturbances. Our municipality is the fourth largest in Sweden by area, with a permanent population of fewer than 3,000 people – so there is plenty of space to film.
I 20 år, i februari arrangeras filmfestivalen Tro, Film & Kärlek. Här möts filmpublik och filmarbetare och samtalar om frågor om tro, livsåskådning och filosofi. Filmvisnngar, filmsamtal, filmgudstjänst och konserterter är uppskattade inslag för både de inbjudna gästerna från filmindustrin och publiken
2021 The film adaptation of Kerstin Ekman’s book “Händelser vid Vatten”, which became a TV series. Many scenes are set around the municipality, such as in Veijenäs, Laisvallby, Eriksholm, and Märkforsen.
2019 Joh Blåhed’s film “Inland” was filmed in Arjeplog.
2003 The Swedish children’s film Misa Mi was filmed in Arjeplog and the surrounding areas.
Each winter season, commercial films are made for various car and component manufacturers on ice tracks, country roads, or public roads.Blackwater
Are you looking for specific locations, buildings, or people?
Contact person: Anna-Lena Le Goascogne, Argentis AB, the local business development company.
Phone: +46 72 234 88 91 or