Anna reads a hundred books a year

Anna Blomgren, librarian in Arjeplog, is a “bookstagramer” and part of the literary book movement with millions of active readers.

In a year, she reads a hundred books. Today, on World Book Day on April 23, it is exactly five years since she opened an Instagram account, “Annasboklista” (Annas booklist)

Anna Blomgren has since published 768 posts and has a thousand followers. But the likely number of people who see her walk in the world of books is probably far more.

With #bookstagram, you can find over 58 million posts worldwide on the platform Instagram alone. In Sweden, there are thousands of followers.

“It’s a fantastic forum,” says Anna Blomgren, and appreciates how book readers without prestige comment and give each other tips.

She doesn’t have a favourite genre in her reading, but what stands out are novels written by women. She often highlights children’s and young people’s books.

We have four children and have always read a lot to them. The youngest is eight years old. At our place, there’s a ban on screens in bed at bedtime.

Reading aloud happens at least five times a week, but nowadays most of them read their own books.

But how do you have time for all this?

“I rarely watch TV, and if the family does, I lie on the couch next to them and read.”

As a librarian, she often gives children tips on what they can read. It is often about ghosts in different forms, something that is suitably creepy, and it can preferably be comics.

“Anything that can attract people to read is good.

On her Instagram account, however, there are no scares, no horrors. The time when she read Stephan King and other horror writers is long gone.

“Life itself is scary enough! she laughs.

A new trend that she appreciates in recent years is more books about northern Sweden.

“The range has increased and it’s cool to read about environments that you know yourself.

Here are her book recommendations in the detective genre “Frozen Gold” by Cilla and Rolf Börjlind or “Nattavaara – novel in the time of disasters” by Thomas Engström and Margit Richert.

Would you like to write your own book?

“No, no. I have a grandmother who has written a book, however, Alma Carlman. She did so well that I don’t feel any longing of my own.

Text/Photo: Maria Söderberg

Source: ArjeplogNytt