Salajekna- Sweden’s largest glacier

A great summer excursion is to rent a helicopter and fly to Sweden’s largest glacier, Salajekna, located in Arjeplog Municipality. Salajekna sits on the border between Norway and Sweden, covering over 24 square kilometers, and in some places, it is nearly 300 meters thick. Scientists have been studying Salajekna for over 200 years, and since the mid-60s, it has been part of an international research study.

Glaciers indeed command respect while simultaneously enticing with their uniqueness, and Salajekna is no exception. The blanket of snow and ice, with its distinctive blue hues, is truly impressive, and the crackling and gurgling water sounds are equally fascinating.

In the early 19th century, Salajekna was visited by a physician and botanist sent by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to conduct surveys in the area. He described the glacier as a “dreadful thing that cracks, thunders, and deep down in its abyss, one can hear water flowing.”

Since then, Salajekna has been extensively documented in both text and images. In modern times, researchers have been able to ascertain that, due to ongoing climate change, significant changes have occurred to the glacier over the past 200 years. The lake present today was completely covered by ice, and the glacier front extended approximately 1.5 km beyond its current position.

Our beloved Salajekna is well worth a visit, both in summer and winter. During the summer, you can hike or take a helicopter to reach the glacier, while in winter, it’s possible to access the area by snowmobile.