Pieljekaise National Park

From Adolfström in the south and Jäckvik in the north, it is easy to reach Pieljekaise National Park, a low mountain area that is easy to hike, with many small lakes and large natural mountain birch forests. The road leading to Adolfström is perhaps the most beautiful in Sweden, and from the nearby Viejenäs, there is a marked summer trail for hiking through the national park onto the Kungsleden trail. In addition to views in all directions, there is a rich flora and fauna here, with several of our rarer species and interesting predators.

In summer, it is light around the clock, and in autumn, the increasingly sparse mountain birch forest lights up with color as it extends up towards the treeless mountains. Along the Kungsleden trail, there is a wind shelter and an overnight cabin with two rooms, one of which is open for day visits and the other is a locked four-bed room. You can borrow the key from Adolfströms Handelsbod or at ICA in Jäckvik if you want to spend more than a day in the national park, which is highly recommended.

Link to the site about Sweden’s National parks for information about Pieljekaise