Märkberget Nature reserve

Märkberget Nature Reserve encompasses Märkberget and the vigorously flowing Märkforsen in the Lais River. Märkforsen is a picturesque stretch of the river, featuring rapids, canyons, and cascades in close succession. The entire area is covered with thousands of plant species, some of which are very rare. Märkberget is renowned as one of the most beautiful reserves in northern Sweden. The area is diverse, with the mountain, the rapids, pine forests interspersed with plenty of mountain birch, and in the east, ponds and rich peat bogs.

The southern exposure to sunlight allows many southern plants to thrive. For example, the rare cliff saxifrage grows here. The dramatic Märkklyftan to the east features landslide slopes with a rich flora. A total of 270 plant species have been identified in the reserve, including globe flower, mountain avens, purple saxifrage, and gold saxifrage.

he richness of plant life in the area is due to its location within the mountain range’s rich geological formations, which formed during mountain-building processes around 430 million years ago. Märkberget consists of gneiss mylonite and sparagmite surrounded by quartzites, sandstones, and alum shale. Glaciers and water have eroded the mountain range and sculpted the formations we see today. The canyon of Märkforsen and Märkklyftan were carved by water masses during the melting of the glaciers.

To get there: Märkberget is located approximately 55 kilometers northeast of Arjeplog. Drive from Arjeplog via road 95, known as Silvervägen, heading about 25 kilometers westward. Then, take a left turn towards Laisvall and Adolfström. From there, it’s about 30 kilometers to Märkberget. There are signs along the way to guide you.