Discover the least hiked part of Kungsleden/The King’s Trail

Hike the stretch between Ammarnäs and Kvikkjokk, which is the least hiked part of the King’s Trail.

The King’s Trail, the 440-kilometer-long hiking trail between Abisko and Hemavan, winds its way through one of Europe’s largest mountain areas


The stretch between Kvikkjokk and Ammarnäs is the least hiked part of the trail and is thus the quietest. Maybe because a tent is needed for those who don’t want to sleep under the open sky, and because nature consists more of mountain birch forests and river valleys than bare mountains. But the views of the vast mountain forests are majestic, especially in Pieljekaise National Park.

August and early September are the best months of the year, when the landscape is painted golden red and the mosquitoes have disappeared.

The hike can be demanding, as the trail goes up and down. Between river valleys and mountain plateaus, there are several hundred meters of elevation difference. Numerous villages and cabins give this stretch its own character, unlike the rest of the King’s Trail. The stretch also includes some longer boat trips, which can be booked (for example, Voutnatjviken).

There are some simpler cabins, such as Tsielejåkk and Pieljakaise cabins, where you can stay overnight if you book and pick up a key in advance. You can also stay overnight in the villages of Jäckvik, Adolfström, and Bäverholm, but for the most part, you will need to sleep in your tent. If the weather is nice, the mountain plateaus offer the best camping spots.

Svaipas bird sanctuary is worth an extra stop for ornithologists, and the hike over the prairie-like landscape of Björkfjäll expands the views. The final stretch to Ammarnäs takes place over a long ridge that offers a fantastic view over the river valley.

Facts from STF, the Swedish Tourist Association, compiled by Maria Söderberg.