“I discovered mountain hiking quite recently, a few years ago, and fell head over heels in love from the very first moment! Why didn’t I realize this earlier? But better late than never.”😊
My very first hike was in the Italian Alps, then Switzerland, followed by Norway, and finally I began to discover the fantastic Swedish mountain landscapes. Each hike has its special moments that linger, and one of the moments in life I will always carry with me is the magical hike in the Arjeplog Mountains to the incredibly beautiful sandy beach at Lake Ikkesjavvre.

I think there are different types of hikers, and if you’re like me, you appreciate trails where you can be mostly alone with the surroundings as your only (and perhaps best?) company.
Hiking to Ikkesjavvre isn’t particularly complicated, and you don’t need to be an experienced hiker to appreciate the relatively easy trek. The issue is more likely that it’s not a widely talked-about hiking destination, which is probably why you haven’t been there yet – but you will! 😊 It’s actually quite baffling that more people haven’t discovered this wonderful hike, but then again, that’s part of its charm! It’s not a heavily trafficked trail, which allows for silence, reflection, and a deeper connection with nature. I had the privilege of experiencing the place in 20 degrees Celsius, brilliant sunshine, and no wind, but I imagine this spot is worth experiencing in different weather conditions and seasons. Moreover, if you have the time and inclination, there’s much more to explore in the surrounding area.det är förmodligen därför du inte varit där – än😊 Faktiskt helt obegripligt att fler inte upptäckt denna underbara vandring – men Ã¥ andra sidan är det en del av tjusningen! Det är inte en trafikerad led vilket ger möjlighet till stillhet, reflektion och att bli mer närvarande i  – och med naturen. Jag hade förmÃ¥nen att fÃ¥ uppleva platsen i 20 grader, strÃ¥lande sol och ingen vind, men jag kan tänka mig att just denna plats är värd att uppleva i olika vädertillstÃ¥nd och olika Ã¥rstider. Du kan dessutom utforska mycket mer i omgivningen om du har tid och lust.

Of the hikes I’ve experienced so far, this place is the one that has stayed with me the longest. I discovered the hike thanks to the blog “GÃ¥ pÃ¥ tur”, so go and check out https://gapatur.se/ikkesjavvre-fjallvarldens-langsta-sandstrand/ just like I did. It’s an incredibly well-written and inspiring blog! I’ve only just begun my hiking experiences in the mountains of Arjeplog!
by Malin Ekblom