Warm welcome on historic ground

Wild, friendly, and beautiful

Välkommen att dela vår vilda, vänliga och vackra vardag. 
The municipality of Arjeplog is the fourth largest in area in Sweden and the most water-rich with 8,727 lakes, 3 rivers, and Sweden’s deepest lake, Hornavan. Here you can find Sweden’s largest glacier, Sállajiegŋa, 25 nature reserves, and the national park Pieljekaise.
The possibilities are many no matter when or where you are in our beautiful municipality. Here, there is room for both rest and adventure.
Welcome to share our wild, friendly, and beautiful everyday life.

Interested in moving to Arjeplog

Here, there is space

We who live in this vast municipality are called Arjeplogare. Here, there is closeness between people despite the great distances. We have significant contrasts between the summer warmth with the midnight sun and the winter cold with the northern lights, but that’s also the charm of living here.

We live with nature around the corner, and nearby there’s everything from ski slopes to hiking trails.

Welcome to share our Arctic lifestyle and become an Arjeplogare too.

Events in Arjeplog

You can see upcoming events here